The New York Times has not responded, so let’s break it down.
1997. 1996 amendments to the FCRA become effective.
2010. An alleged incident that resulted in a crime.
July 1, 2011. A woman gives a fantastical account of a life-changing event (the 2010 incident, above) “about a year ago.” Regarding a date with a man, the woman states, “He asked me point blank what my credit score was and I told him I have no clue.” Near the end of the piece, she writes, “FYI, he checked my credit score without my approval!”
He didn’t like her figure.
He ended it. She mentions no crime.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act states, “Any person who knowingly and willfully obtains information on a consumer from a consumer reporting agency under false pretenses shall be fined under title 18, United States Code, imprisoned for not more than 2 years, or both” (1996 amendments to the FCRA).
December 25, 2012. An article referring to the woman’s claim about her date, “Perfect 10? Never Mind That. Ask Her for Her Credit Score” appears on the New York Times website. It states, inaccurately, “The credit score, once a little-known metric derived from a complex formula that incorporates outstanding debt and payment histories, has become an increasingly important number used to bestow credit, determine housing and even distinguish between job candidates.”
Employers do not use credit scores.
December 26. The article is published in at least two of the newspaper’s paper editions. The online version states that it appeared on page A1 of the Times’ New York edition, however, it also appeared on page A1 (the front page) of the National Edition. The article refers to (conflicting with the account by the woman who went on the date) a dating experience that happened “this year.”
The writer of this website, Page A2 publishes “New York Times front page news, herding cats” on, and alerts the reporter via social media.
December 31. The writer of this website publishes email to New York Times publisher. Reporter and New York Times executive editor notified via public social media message.